* Lahtiütlus: kuvatud hinnad ei pruugi vastata tänastele hindadele.
Mida arvavad meie kliendid
Excelente car, personal service with a excelente knowledge of costumer satisfaction . Alamo is my choice everytime I go to Peru to see my family. Once a years
Gabriel Flores
Tagasisidet andis:
Very nice staff, good car and smooth process of picking up and returning. One of the best car rental experiences, especially since I got small upgrade (automatic transmission instead of manual, which saved me a lot of work on Peruvian roads). The company didn t charge for a medium scrach that I made.
Wojciech Fedoruk
Tagasisidet andis:
Autorendiettevõtted linnas Lima International Airport
Koostasime nimekirja parimatest rendifirmadest kohas Lima International Airport. Võrrelge aja ja raha säästmiseks pakkumisi saidil EconomyBookings.com, et leida neist parim.