Hitta en hyrbil
Hitta en hyrbil
      Hyresperiod: 4 d.
      Samma plats för avlämning
      Jag bor i
      Föraren ska vara 30–65 år
      What is your refund policy?
      3 min article

      What is your refund policy?

      You may cancel your booking and receive a 100% refund within 48 hours after confirmation. The booking will be refunded to your E-Wallet in the form of BookingCredit™. You may withdraw it to your original payment method free of charge or use it as credit for future bookings.

      If you cancel your booking later than 48 hours after confirmation and up to 48 hours before pick-up you still can receive a 100% refund to your E-Wallet in the form of BookingCredit™. If you wish to receive a refund to the original payment method, you will be charged an administration fee of 65 EUR. If the amount charged on your booking is equal to or less than 65 EUR, you will not receive a refund to your original payment method.

      You can avoid the administration fee if you purchase Extended Cancellation. In this case you will get a full refund if you cancel your booking no later than 48 hours before the start of the rental.

      Cancellation and refund to the original payment method is not available if requested less than 48 hours before the pick-up.

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